What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load?
Balanced blood sugar is something you should strive for everyday throughout the day.
This helps maintain your energy level, keeps you from getting “hangry,” decreases over eating, and plays a role in preventing and managing diseases or conditions like prediabetes and diabetes.
You have likely heard of the glycemic index or glycemic load– but what do these phrases actually mean and how can you apply them to improve your day-to-day blood sugar?
Read on to learn how to apply GI and GL in your daily life to improve energy, mood, weight, hormones, and more!
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
The glycemic index (GI) is a value assigned to foods containing carbohydrates; this value measures how rapidly a food raises a person’s blood sugar over a 2-hour period. The GI scale centers on pure glucose sugar having a GI=100. Glycemic index values for individual foods are either high (GI ³ 70), medium (GI 56 to 69), or low (GI £ 55). Foods that have a high GI value will cause blood sugar to rise quickly after they are consumed, whereas the opposite is true for low GI foods.
However, the GI value of a food only gives you part of the picture. Additional factors are involved in how a food or meal will impact blood sugar, and it’s called the glycemic load (GL). This measurement is more useful in determining a food’s effect on blood sugar. GL is a numeric calculation, derived multiplying GI by the serving size of a particular food, and is calculated as follows:
Glycemic Load (GL) = [(GI value) x (#of grams (g) of carbohydrates per serving size)]/100
GL values are classified as high (GL ³ 20), intermediate (GL 11 to 19), or low (GL£ 10). For example, a small banana has a high GI of 70, but it has a low-intermediate GL of 11 because a banana contains fiber. Because of this, consider these factors when considering foods to help balance your blood sugar, including:
Pairing carbs with healthy fats or protein, or with high fiber foods, can help to lower the GI and GL value because it takes longer for these foods to digest. This causes a slower rise in blood sugar, leading to more balanced blood sugar for a longer period of time. It will also keep you satiated for longer, and can prevent you from overeating.
📚 Related: Why You Should Eat the Carbs

How to incorporate low glycemic foods into an everyday eating plan?
The simplest way to incorporate low-to-moderate glycemic foods into your everyday eating pattern is to:
- Eat foods that are minimally or not highly processed
- Focus on foods high in fiber. For example, non-starchy vegetables help to improve the fiber content of your meal; vegetables can be prepared steamed, boiled, microwaved, or raw, and can be fresh, canned, or frozen.
Fruits, whole grains, and legumes also add fiber. It’s important to be aware of serving or portion size:
- Fruits: a small apple or 1 cup of berries is a serving size;
- Starches and grains: around 1/3 to ½ cup.
What does a typical low glycemic eating plan look like? Here what a 1-day eating plan might look like:
Glycemic Breakfast Plan:
Glycemic AM Snack Eating Plan:
PM Snack:

Low Glycemic Dinner Plan:
In summary, both glycemic index and glycemic load are helpful tools for meal. But these values alone are just a small part of establishing and planning a healthful, nutritious eating pattern and balancing your blood sugar. Please speak with your dietitian if you’d like more information.